Tuesday, February 18, 2014

About Communication

What I expect to learn from the podcast project: 
-Learn how to communicate a lot of complex information in a concise and clear manner
- Learn how to work effectively in a group, keeping in constant communication but also dividing up tasks
- Learn to use resources other than our teacher to learn things like japanese vocabulary and kanji 
- Improve conversational ability, namely speed and flow
- Improve writing skills by working on a script
- Learn to work within limited knowledge: being creative to convey meaning despite a limited vocabulary
- thinking in terms of japanese, not American, structures 

What communication means to me:
Like everybody, I believe that communication is, at its most basic, the transfer of ideas and feelings. Although people most often associate communication with speech and words, I would argue that communication actually comes in many different forms. An extension of verbal communication, would be music, in which composers express their feelings through melody and sound. Alternatively, one can express their ideas, and thus communicate, visually, through a painting or picture. This is why I am so excited about the podcast project: by challenging us to create a video, we will be pushed to investigate both visual and verbal forms communication. I think that such an exploration is extremely worthwhile, since many would argue that being able to express ourselves in a variety of complex ways, or being able to harness advanced forms of communication, is what makes us human.

Monday, February 10, 2014






Monday, February 3, 2014

私の冬休みはたのしくありませんでした。うちへかえってから、歯医者のオフィースへいきました。歯医者は私のおやしらずをぬきました (wisdom teeth removed)。
くすりをのみましたから、おぼえていません。あとで、わたしはかおがとてもおおきかったです。いたくありませんでした(was not painful)が、きぶんがよく一週間ありませんでした(was uncomfortable for 1 week)。かおのうえにアイスにおいて、アップルソースとアイスクリームをたべました。
げんきになったあとで、毎日テレビをみて、ほんをよんで、ねました。私のやすみはつまらなかったですね。コロンビアへかえるときに、私はしあわせでした(was happy)。